People Like Us: Learning about the Homeless Community in Toronto

I roamed the streets of Downtown Toronto to talk to the homeless community to learn their stories, the circumstances that put them out onto the streets, and hopefully develop a few meaningful connections.

Name: Robert


Age: 25 Years Old


“Along with a few others, I was laid off from my job. I did a few odd jobs to try and find work but nothing really stuck for long. I figured, there has to be something I can do.”

Name: Troy


Age: 51 Years Old


“I came up here from P.E.I. I found myself not being able to keep an apartment going. I made good money too, but not good enough I guess. So here I am on the streets panhandling. I send money to my two daughter’s every day. I hate doing this.”

Name: Gary


Age: 64 Years Old


“My body was burned in a house fire. After that, I couldn’t work and no place would hire me.”

Street Name: Maggie


Age: 24 Years Old


“My boyfriend supported me financially because I was sick. But he would come home drunk all the time and cause trouble. We got evicted but I still couldn’t find work because of my health. I’ve really gotta get to a hospital.”

Name: Lisa (Left) and Jen (Right)


Age: 51 Year Old and 35 Years Old


Lisa: “I had a few bad relationships that I had to get away from. I couldn’t afford a living space Here I am. What about you?”


Jen: “Yeah, pretty much the same thing. Just a few bad guys here and there.”

Street Name: Frenchie


Age: 29 Years Old


“My mom kicked me out because I found a dog outside and I kept. When I showed up at home, she kicked me out. That was thirteen years ago.”

Name: Joshua


Age: 29


“When I was 21, I hitchhiked across the country instead of going to school. I fell in love with the lifestyle of not needing money and just kind of going where the wind takes me. I’m not homeless by situation, I’m homeless by choice.”

I am a fourth year media studies student at the University of Guelph-Humber who specializes in visual communications. I believe that pictures tell a story, and I want to be the one who can tell those stories.

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